Exactly What Does Date Rape Smell Like?

Exactly What Does Date Rape Smell Like?

The Line, a unique documentary movie about intercourse and permission, hit the United states University campus week that is last. Today, The Line’s web log addressed the current debate at AU over pupil paper the Eagle’s anonymous intercourse line, which introduced a drunk, hazy, and painful sexual experience as a college hook-up that is normal

It’s three into the early early morning. It is had by you inside you at this time. It type of hurts. You’ve had one way too foreign bride many glasses of jungle juice. You might think their title is Andrew, but you’re not necessarily yes. You thought you would not be that woman, but there you may be, in your drunken haze.

Some people of the campus community had been outraged that the magazine would normalize a feasible date rape scenario. However the Line video clip also pointed to some other controversial part of the Eagle’s line: “You get up your day after to a ceiling that is unfamiliar some guy whom has the scent of booze, AXE body spray and, well, another thing.”

Just just What the hell is “something different”?

Some pupils whom reacted into the column on the web proved perturbed by both the line’s rape associations and its particular overly vague description associated with morning-after olfactory bouquet. Axe Body Spray has over and over repeatedly been accused of “smelling love date rape.” It might seem sensible when it comes to early morning after your drunken experience that is sexual smell like booze. But just what else does painful drunk sex odor like? And just why does the Eagle think the third scent is really apparent which they do not have even to spell it away for campus readers?

Mike Johnson first criticized the line’s “date rape” overtones before expressing frustration by using “something different”:

Oh and so what does he smell like? B.O.? Ribbed Trojans? I’m uncertain exactly exactly what the offer is on this one.

Disco Stick took a stab at it:

What does “well, something else” mean? I’m interpreting it as “your pussy” or “jizz.” I’m having a small difficulty determining which one however. Would it be both? Please inform me asap.

The imprecise descriptor had been further complicated because of the line’s irregular syntax. The sentence, “You get up a single day after to a unknown roof, a man who has the scent of booze, AXE body spray and, well, another thing,” is, i really believe, wanting to convey the feeling of a female whom wakes as much as a couple of things:

b) a guy whom has the scent of booze, AXE body spray and (whatever).

Whilst the phrase checks out, nonetheless, this has the woman getting up to:

b) a man whom has the scent of booze;

c) AXE human body spray;

Drawn in that context, the number of choices with this “something else” expand far beyond human anatomy odor, condoms, pussy, or jizz. The girl at issue may have awoken to a roof, a dude, body spray, and an albatross. Because of the context associated with the whole tale, she additionally may have woken as much as a roof, a dude, body spray, as well as an STD. The grammatical error could also lead to a happier ending: Personally, I’d like to see this girl wake up to a ceiling, a dude, body spray, and a copy of Yes Means Yes for feminists on campus upset with the Eagle’s casual treatment of date rape in the column!

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